Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What a Day...

We just passed night two of Ryenne sleeping in her own bed. Yes, she's still in our room but BABY STEPS! LOL

She was up at the butt-crack of dawn - well even before dawn - and Peter was up with her first and then we traded. She was so excited to go to school today. Such a good girl when I took her! I was hoping Kai was gonna sleep while she was gone. Boy was I mistaken! He has been really clingy all day. I've had a sore throat since last night and now I feel my ears all stuffed up. I sure hope he isn't getting it!

Anyway, since he was awake and I couldn't sleep or fold clothes, I decided to pretend I was visiting a clients house and set up my stands and white backdrop. Got some great awake shots, then nursed and he FINALLY passed out half hour before I was to pick up Ry. Got some great sleeping shots and then off to pick up Ms. Ryenne.

OMG she was a wreck! She was so mean - hitting me and screaming at me. I've never seen a hissy fit like that before out of her! Brought her straight home and into the naughty spot she went. That didn't work so I put her in her portacrib in her room and let her stay there for a bit. Holy Moly it was gnarly!

See below for Kai-boy's pictures. I'm my best client for right now!

Oh Yeah Thanks Mom!!!

"I don't want Ryenne's stinkin' hand-me-downs!"
(Ry's old pink bucket seat)


I'm going to get new business cards printed really soon... one small problem. I go online to search my website to see where it's ranking. I type in "Mariah Milan Austin" just to see... you know what is at the top?

A PORN STAR NAMED MARIAH MILANO!!!!!! AAAAAUUUGGGHHH!! That's the LAST thing I want clients to think of when they think of Photography by Mariah Milan!

So what do I do? Do I come up with another name for my business in Texas? Ideas??

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Day in Downtown

We decided to go exploring a bit in downtown Austin because we haven't really ventured around. We walked around 6th street which is pretty quiet during the daytime but I hear quite crazy come night time! Lots of bars and restaurants and kooky things.

It's a pretty chilly day here in Austin today. Didn't even hit 70 degrees and I hear tonight is gonna be in the upper 30's! BRRRR!!!

Kai's Special Blankey & Some Grainy Pics

Kai loves his blankey that Grandmama made!

Ry Loves Her Pumpkin!

The expanding heart... amazing

While I was pregnant with Kai (not knowing it was a boy of course!) my biggest worry, as every parent I'm sure worries, was that I was so in love with my daughter, how could I possibly love this new baby as much?

The emotions of becoming a parent to two kids after being a mom of one for two years was hard for me because I am so attached to my daughter that I just couldn't imagine there was enough room to love anyone else as much as I love her.

Well, firstly Kai's birth left me in complete awe over the power of being a woman. I'll be forever thankful that I got to experience such a beautiful event. And that first moment when I had him and he was on my chest and still attached by the cord... well... as we all saw on Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", my heart expanded that day exponentially.

I was nursing him in the middle of the night last night, just me and him awake, and I was just in amazement over how every fear that I had about not loving him enough was such a stupid thing to worry about. I am so blessed to be a mom of two beautiful children. I am so in love!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Ry's school had a little Fall Harvest party today. We went to the pumpkin patch and it was really cute. She ate a cup-cake that looked like a spider!

Unfortunately, it kinda landed right at her nap-time so we didn't stay too long. She is still crashed on the couch 3 hours later!

My new hair-do

Got my hair cut and Kai boy got new shoes!

Uncle Floyd's Visit

Our friend Floyd was our first Hawaii visitor!! It was really great because we haven't seen Floyd since our trip to Oregon in January (yes, it's expensive to fly from Maui to Oahu!).

Ryenne had such a great time with him and followed him around the house everywhere. They got along great! Peter took Floyd to try out menudo and we also went to Cabellas and the San Marcos outlets. It was a lot of fun! Come back anytime Floyd!!!

Sneaky Girl!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It was inevitable...

I can't say that Ryenne has ever peed on me. If she was nakey and peed it just kinda dribbled down. Well I'm quickly learning things are VERY different with a boy! I'm not the fastest diaper changer - quite slow actually - so it was inevitable that I'd be peed on at some point! Well.... last night I was peed on! LOL

Poor Ryenne is suffering from an allergic reaction. The doctor thinks it's a combination of getting bit by an ant and eating watermelon. She has an itchy rash all over her body. The meds are starting to help but I feel so bad for her! She really enjoyed her oatmeal baths the past couple of nights!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Studio ala dining table!

I got this cardboard background thingy and it arrived and is bent so it's going back, but I figured I'd play with it first before it goes back! I used a broom to keep it straight up in the chair and then put the kids on the dining room table. The light coming in from the windows plus the overhead light was just perfect!!

Ryenne had her school pictures taken a couple weeks ago and we got the proofs and they are hilarious! It looks like she's about to cry and her hair is all messed up. It's too funny (grandparents, you'll be getting one!) so these are a "re-do" of her preschool picture. Plus she wanted to hold Kai! This is the first time she's held Kai and she did such a great job!

And then Mr. Kai... boy is he strong! Look at him holding his head up! What a bruiser. He has really bad baby acne right now. Poor little boy! He is growing so big... 9lbs 6oz as of yesterday!

Blankey from Grandmama & Cousin Jessie's Visit

Grandmama made Kai a gorgeous blanket! It's so BOY with tractors on it. It's super duper soft and both kids like to snuggle with it on the couch. Thanks Grandmama!!

Cousin Jessie came and visited Austin! So nice to have visitors!